Junko Sophie
"Atelier Junko Sophie" は生まれました。
During her childhood, she learned the traditional Japanese tea ceremony and the Ikebana which is otherwise called the Japanese traditional flower arrangement.
Coming from a family of art lovers, she has been surrounded by various masterpieces. She re-evaluated and compared Japanese traditional culture when she had a chance to travel to over 45 countries and 130 cities. There she saw different traditional arts and crafts which she compared with my country's.
Her studies in France further developed my love for the arts.
With burning desire and high hopes of putting traditional Japanese crafts to the global platform, “Atelier Junko Sophie” has created her own costume jewelry inspired from her cross-cultural trips and made from beautiful materials from Japan and other countries.
She creates her work expressing unique sensibility, putting her flower arrangement skills to use there and learned costume jewelry by herserlf.
Pendant son enfance, elle a appris la cérémonie du thé japonaise traditionnelle et l'Ikebana qui est par ailleurs appelé l'arrangement floral traditionnel japonais.
Issu d'une famille d'amateurs d'art, elle a été entourée par divers chefs-d'œuvre. Elle a réévalué et comparé la culture traditionnelle japonaise quand elle a eu la chance de voyager dans plus de 45 pays et 130 villes. Là, elle a vu différents arts et métiers traditionnels qu'elle compare avec mon Pays.
Ses études en France ont développé davantage mon amour pour les arts.
主宰・代表:Junko "Sophie" Kakizaki
合同会社メゾン・ド・柿崎代表 / クリエイティブ・ディレクター
D.A.F.A ( フランス国立園芸協会 ) 1級
フランス Ecole de Francaise de Decoration Floral ディプロム
幼少より生け花小原流、草月流を学び、草月流師範雅号 "華潤"を授与
パリ Ecole Francaise de Decoration Floralにて、MOF (フランス国家最優秀職人賞) 取得者のMonique Gautier女史のもとで、
フラワーアレンジメントを学び、同校卒業. ディプロム取得.
Ecole des Fleurs au Crillon にて、Catherine Muller, Stephane Chapelle, Estelle Preston および、
A.D.A.C にて Odile Badoc, アンジェ Piverdie校, ベルギー Daniel Ostに学ぶ.
パリの花店 Lieu-dit, Moulie, ディジョンの花店 Mininiにて学ぶ.
Le Cordon Blue, Ecole Rits Escoffier および、Alice Caroll Rambert にて花を使った料理、菓子を学ぶ。
2005: コロンビア大使館、田崎真珠共催、プリザーブドフラワーコンテストにて入選。
2007: 世界文化社 「家庭画報大賞」にて、テーブルコーディネートと料理で優秀賞。
2010: コスチュームジュエリー制作の技術を独学で学び、制作を始める。
2015: パリ、Ecole Lesageにてオートクチュール刺繍、Annie Uzureau にて、生花を使ったファッション小物を学ぶ
2016 : フランスの日本を紹介する文化雑誌『A Propos du Japon』誌上にて、着物や茶道に関するインタビューと写真掲載。
2017 : ニューヨーク KOSAKA Art Gallery、アメリカ オハイオ州 Antioch Collegeにて、写真家 Everett Kennedy Brown氏とのコラボレーションで、着物写真と生け花の展示会を開催。
2018: フランスの映画監督、ジャン・クロード・リュプチャンスキー氏制作のドキュメンタリー映画 『Gates of Shinto』の日本側コーディネート。
2019: アメリカNBC・2020オリンピック特集番組「日本の伝統文化を現代において実践する日本女性」として出演。
2020: 一般社団法人イマジンワンワールドのキモノプロジェクトにて、国際連合と京都芸術大学の「京都芸術文化フォーラム in 京都」において、京都宣言の調印式にてプロジェクトのご紹介。
新刊『TASHINAMI: 9 Mindful Japanese Rituals to Feel Beautiful Inside Out』(インド・GBS LLP)
インド・Global Beauty Secretsとコラボ、日本古代の文化や知恵に基づいたスキンケア ”Kyoto Beauty Secrets by Junko Sophie”を企画開発。
『VOGUE』、『India Today』など多くのプレスで特集が組まれる。
京都きもの市場『Junko Sophie's 秘伝京都 / インディア / ロンドン』 日・英・中・仏語にて連載開始。
詳しくはLIt Linkにて->
Managing Director : Junko "Sophie" Kakizaki
Creative Director / CEO of MAION DE KAKIZAKI LLC
1er degré Diploma of D.A.F.A ( Diplome D'animation Florale Artistique),
Diploma of Ecole de Francaise de Decoration Floral
Professor of IKEBANA Sogestu school
Kimono Researcher
Jewelry designer
Ambassador of Kyoto Yuzen Sari
After taking a bachelor of Arts’s degree at Baika Women's University, she worked at American Family Life Assurance Company of Columbus in Japan.
2002 - 2004 Studied in Paris, France.
She studied Cours de la civilisation de Universite de la Sorbonne. After which, she finished "Ecole Francaise de Decoration Floral" under the tutelage of the late Madame Monique Gautier, the first recipient of France's Meilleurs Ouvriers de France or MOF award in the field of flower arrangement.
In her spare time, she studied other short courses like "Ecole des Fleurs au Crillon" by Madame Catherine Muller, Monsieur Stephane Chapelle, Madame Estelle Preston. "A.D.A.C" by Madame Odile Badoc, "Ecole Piverdie" in Anger, "Daniel Ost" in Belgium , Florist "Lieu-dit", "Moulie" in Paris, "Minini" in Dijon.
Aside from her fondness of flower arrangement, she also attended classes about French cuisine and confectionery namely "Le Cordon Blue" and "Ecole Rits Escoffier". Madame Alice Caroll Rambert taught her edible flower.
2004 - 2015 Offered professional flower arrangement course for 12 years
2005 - Prize award for Preserved Flower Arrangement competition by Colombian Embassy and TASAKI & Co,.Ltd.
2007 - "Prize of Excellence" awarded for Table Coordination and Cuisine by "Kateigahou" magazine of SEKAIBUNKA
Publishing Inc.
2010 - Studied the tecnique of make costume jewerly by myself and Debut of costume jewelry creation
2015 - Studied embroidery of haute couture at "Ecole Lesage Paris", and accessories made from fresh flowers by Madame Annie Uzureau in Paris
2016 - Advisor of NPO "Takumi Project" by
Introducing japanese traditional arts,crafts and culuture to the world.
2017 - Exhibited the Kimono photography with the photographer, Everett Kennedy Brown and Japanese flower arrangement at KOSAKA Art Gallery in New York City and the Ohyao Ohio, Antioch College.
Exhibited at "Washi paper Symposium" in Matsue, Shimane Prefecture.
In Milan, Italy, she gave a lecture on the beauty of kimono and gave a dressing demonstration in collaboration with Mr. Alberto Moro, president of the Japan-Italy Cultural Friendship Association.
2018 - Coordinated the Japanese side of the documentary film "Gates of Shinto" produced by the French film director Jean-Claude Lupchansky.
2019 - Appeared on NBC's 2020 Olympics special program, "Japanese Women Practicing Traditional Japanese Culture in the Modern World.
Lectures on Japanese culture and beauty, and tea ceremony demonstrations in Taipei and Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
2020 - As part of Imagine One World's kimono project, introduced the project at the Kyoto Declaration signing ceremony at the Kyoto Art and Culture Forum in Kyoto, organized by the United Nations and Kyoto University of Arts.
Installation of kimono created by a Greek artist at Hogonji Temple in Kyoto.
The photos were exhibited at the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki in Thessaloniki, Greece.
2021 - New book "TASHINAMI: 9 Mindful Japanese Rituals to Feel Beautiful Inside Out" (GBS LLP, India)
Collaborated with Global Beauty Secrets, India, to develop "Kyoto Beauty Secrets by Junko Sophie," a skincare line based on the ancient culture and wisdom of Japan.
The product was featured in "VOGUE", "INDIA TODAY" and many other press.
Started a series of articles on "Junko Sophie's Hidden Kyoto / India / London" in Kyoto Kimono-Ichiba in Japanese, English, Chinese and French.
Her creations are inspired by all her travel and visit experiences from over 55 countries and 150 cities all over the world.
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